Saturday, December 26, 2009

Other than Your Sig Block - What You, the Webmaster, Need to Put in Every eMail

By Veronica Carrillo

When you set up your blog or website it is incredibly foolish not to register your site with Google Webmaster tools. It provides you with a lot of valuable information about your site such as the number of backlinks to your various posts/pages. It also tells you about problem pages for the Google robot as to which pages could not be found, what is restricted by robots text and so on. But recently I found a very useful trick that I have been employing to very good effect.

When I first found Erik Stafford's Faster Webmaster program, I was quite skeptical. What, me do all this by myself? But then I took a closer look... His ad said that a grandmother learned how to do it in no time flat, and so I figured that if she could do it, maybe I could too. The ad worked just the way it was supposed to. And as it turned out, the program it sold did too. It really delivered the goods.

The first important point about this is that you will see that your site might be found or ranked for a search term that you had not targeted. This affords you the opportunity to provide content based around that particular term, which will obviously be mentioned somewhere on your site but not focussed on, to boost your rankings and rank for that particular key phrase.

The course proper consists of a series of modules with friendly and VERY clear step-by-step instructions on how to get a domain name, get a web hosting company, make the two talk to each other, and then set up that first website. Now I know there are a few other courses out there, some of which I may review in the near future. It's a growth market, obviously. So what makes Erik's course so special? The combination of written-down and printable instructions AND screen shots AND videos. He has it all. And I needed it all too. I learn best when I have written-down detailed instructions to refer back to before, during, and especially after watching the instructions on video, and certainly while doing anything on my website. It's all there. And for one of the best prices going.

But there's more. Erik continually adds to his course. There are now a number of bonuses, including modules on how to add pictures, how to submit your site to search engines, and so on. Best of all, Erik is a really nice guy and very helpful. I remember how surprised I was when I first wrote him with a question and actually got a personal response right back - fast! Most other gurus make you fill in a web form and then they have "their people" write back within a day or two or three...Not that The Faster Webmaster leaves many open questions in the first place. Erik continually updates and refines his program, which everybody who bought it once has continuing access to. He has also added a very comprehensive FAQ section, which pretty much takes care of most questions.

There are also numerous websites dedicated to helping newbies run their own website, this includes Google's webmaster tools. Important thing to remember is you don't have to know everything to become a webmaster, but one thing is guaranteed is you will learn and continue to learn new things everyday in your journey as a Webmaster/Marketer/ Internet Entrepreneur.

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