Friday, January 29, 2010

How To Make A Fortune Investing Small Amounts In Pre-IPO Companies

By James Scott

Seed Capital Investors Make Fortunes on Pre-IPO Companies: Now You Can Do The Same! Many private, angel and accredited investors feel left out of the investment loop when it comes to the opportunity of investing in the seed capital stage. Many times it seems that only those closely affiliated with broker dealers, market makers and mergers and acquisitions consultants keep the juicy and ultra-lucrative information to themselves.

So if you're an investor who wants in, how do you claim your golden key for access to this world of instant liquidity, deeply discounted stock and massive return on investment? The first thing you shouldn't do is pay for it. When finding solid companies in need of quick seed capital to complete the public process, the last thing a company like this is going to do is charge you to see their business plan and PPM.

I have seen several times where companies or individuals claiming to have direct access to these pre-IPO companies will charge a membership fee for access to the opportunity. When you come across those situations just walk away as there is always a con involved. The best way to find real companies that are in the pre-IPO stage is to make contact with the companies that facilitate this process in house. Our company receives calls from investors all the time who want to invest in companies that we are taking public; we never charge for that information, we simply get their information and pass it to our clients who call them back and send them their business plan and private placement memorandum and the investment can take place almost immediately and the share price is always at a substantial discount to the share price when the company gets it's symbol and is publicly trading.

Get on the good side of a solid, turn-key consultant who takes companies public and you'll get the keys to the kingdom.

You'll be able to increase your net worth to a level that you have never dreamed possible. They'll give you all the juicy information and introduce you directly to the principles of these pre-IPO structures.

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