FTP is an abbreviation for "File Transfer Protocol". It is used to upload and download files to an online server.
Even if you are not aware of this, you probably use FTP regularly. An additional typical FTP use is for downloading files online. You most likely use FTP when you download big files like a video or music. Also, being able to move files to various places makes FTP necessary for anybody designing a Web page.
An FTP address resembles a Website address with the exception that it usually has an "ftp://" rather than an "http://". A server might be created to be dedicated solely to connect via FTP.
Servers are sometimes dedicated for receipt of FTP hookups. This is called an FTP server or FTP site since it only receives FTP connections; this is similar to a web server which is a computer that's purpose is to host web pages.
An FTP Client (FTP Software)
FTP Client is just a glorified title for software created to transmit files through an interconnected system. In reality, the internet is a massive, "wide area network" or WAN.
Extra features of the FTP Client consist of: many simultaneous file transfers, being able to make folders on a another server, being able to use CHMOD (Changing permissions); giving files a different name, removing files and other operations.
Where can I get FTP software from?
1. Anyone planning on transmitting multiple files should consider investing in a quality expert-level FTP client such as WS-FTP Pro.
2. While Windows Explorer is suitable for FTP, it is often difficult for people to use.
3. Filezilla is a very useful free FTP client.
4. Typically it is possible to locate a complimentary trial edition of FTP clients if you intend to upload a limited number of files or simply wish to try it out.
Before you upload files using FTP, you must know:
1. The FTP Host (Server) usually ftp.somewebsite.tld or simply an IP address
2. The FTP Username
3. The FTP Password
4. Use Passive FTP? (Typically "Yes")
5. Connect Through Secure (SFTP)? (Ordinarily "No")
6. The port for the FTP (Typically 21)
7. You will almost never upload to the initial folder that you connected to when the host connects. Typically web contents are placed in a folder called /public_html or /www or /httpdocs depending upon which operating system is used. In order to publish a website, you must know this. In addition, you must know the name of the main page. (Normally index.htm or index.html, or home.htm) if publishing a website.
Even if you are not aware of this, you probably use FTP regularly. An additional typical FTP use is for downloading files online. You most likely use FTP when you download big files like a video or music. Also, being able to move files to various places makes FTP necessary for anybody designing a Web page.
An FTP address resembles a Website address with the exception that it usually has an "ftp://" rather than an "http://". A server might be created to be dedicated solely to connect via FTP.
Servers are sometimes dedicated for receipt of FTP hookups. This is called an FTP server or FTP site since it only receives FTP connections; this is similar to a web server which is a computer that's purpose is to host web pages.
An FTP Client (FTP Software)
FTP Client is just a glorified title for software created to transmit files through an interconnected system. In reality, the internet is a massive, "wide area network" or WAN.
Extra features of the FTP Client consist of: many simultaneous file transfers, being able to make folders on a another server, being able to use CHMOD (Changing permissions); giving files a different name, removing files and other operations.
Where can I get FTP software from?
1. Anyone planning on transmitting multiple files should consider investing in a quality expert-level FTP client such as WS-FTP Pro.
2. While Windows Explorer is suitable for FTP, it is often difficult for people to use.
3. Filezilla is a very useful free FTP client.
4. Typically it is possible to locate a complimentary trial edition of FTP clients if you intend to upload a limited number of files or simply wish to try it out.
Before you upload files using FTP, you must know:
1. The FTP Host (Server) usually ftp.somewebsite.tld or simply an IP address
2. The FTP Username
3. The FTP Password
4. Use Passive FTP? (Typically "Yes")
5. Connect Through Secure (SFTP)? (Ordinarily "No")
6. The port for the FTP (Typically 21)
7. You will almost never upload to the initial folder that you connected to when the host connects. Typically web contents are placed in a folder called /public_html or /www or /httpdocs depending upon which operating system is used. In order to publish a website, you must know this. In addition, you must know the name of the main page. (Normally index.htm or index.html, or home.htm) if publishing a website.
About the Author:
Stephen Grisham, Sr. is a copy writer for InfoServe Media, LLC. InfoServe Media is a Houston, TX web design and web hosting company. Or if you just need a few changes to an existing site, InfoServe Media also offers website maintenance. Fast and Affordable.
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Thanks for sharing great list!
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