Thursday, November 5, 2009

6 Website Design Mistakes That Will Drive Your Visitors Away

By John Brennon

Creating your own website is a fun project and relatively easy with the user friendly hosting available now. Unfortunately, there are no guidelines available with these hosting plans to tell you where you are making mistakes. There are 6 website design mistakes that will drive your visitors away for good. Included here are the 6 biggest no-nos you need to avoid.

Everyone wants to have a website that will build or increase their business prospects. If your website has any of these six mistakes then you are certainly losing visitors and prospective customers. The visitors of today have a tendency to be very impatient so the chance of grabbing their attention and getting them to stay and look further is a very small window of opportunity. Most Internet users have their websites that they visit repeatedly because they trust that the information will be immediately available to them without having to hunt it down. You want to build trust with your visitors so they will keep returning.

Probably the worst mistake in a website design is a lack of focus. When the home page is not focused the visitor will have no idea what they should be looking find in it. The home page or start-up page has to be explicit and show the visitor immediately what it provides. It must romance the visitor and make them curious about seeing more pages.

Too much text to wade through will turn the visitor off. Text is not a bad thing but it needs to be presented in a quick to read format with numbers, pictures, bullets, headings, graphics and subheadings. The information given has to reflect the theme of the website and should have the keywords listed for the page. If the page is jumbled or hard to maneuver it is the kiss of death. Your visitors do not want to sift through a lot of stuff that does not apply to the main reason they landed on your page.

If your website is not easy to read or see your visitor will leave. Using fonts for your verbiage that is too fancy may not be available on some computers. Choose a font that is automatic with Windows, especially Verdana or Arial. If the fonts are disappearing against the wrong colored background the visitor will leave.

Your website needs to be simple, no clutter allowed. You can have interesting animations, organization, and lots of extra stuff like sales pitches and promotional offers and you will just end up with noise. This is not going to keep the attention of your visitor because they do not want to spend the afternoon sifting through all the stuff on your page.

Coming on too strong with the ads will drive your visitor away. They may have interest in your ads but do not want to be beaten up over it. If you choose to use pop-ups this is fine but you will run the risk that most visitors will not see your message because most will have pop-ups blocked. If they do see them it might just alienate them.

Links to pages that do not work will discourage your visitor in an instant. If you do get their interest enough to look at more pages and they cannot get there, they will leave. Utilize the site map so that your visitor can see at a glance what page they want to visit without going to pages they really don't want.

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