Companies or organizations that are looking for the most dependable online webhosting solution for their mission critical operations, A dedicated online webhosting or managed online webhosting is a form of World wide web online webhosting, wherein the client leases the entire online web host that is not shared with anyone.
It is more flexible as compared to shared online webhosting. Dedicated online webhosting will give them what they need. Dedicated online webhosting isn't the right solution for everyone, and does have some drawbacks, but it has many more advantages than shared online webhosting.
When a customer purchases shared online web site hosting they are on the same webhosting server as hundreds and sometimes thousands of other Online Web Sites. The online web site hosting company also provides webhosting server administration in the form of add on service When looking at online web site hosting packages there are two major areas you should be concerned with managed or unmanaged webhosting servers and hardware configurations. A dedicated webhosting server would offer larger return on investment and less overhead. When you start using dedicated online web site hosting your website will be the only website on that webhosting server. Dependability is the number one reason people choose to go with a dedicated online web site hosting solution.
With an unmanaged online web host the customer is responsible for software, security and other maintenance. Often, dedicated online web hosts are housed in data centers similar to the HVAC systems and collocation facilities. Selecting an unmanaged online web host can often save you quite a bit of money over the year. You want to make sure you allow for future growth, but you don't want to overpay for resources you are never going to use.
However unless you or someone on your staff is experienced with maintaining a web server this is usually not a good idea, and will cost you and money down the line. The operating systems offered on dedicated online servers are determined by employee familiarity, price and availability. Dedicated online web hosting packages allow you to have multiple Websites on one web server; at no extra charge to the customer, variations of Linux are often included.
The next thing you have to consider is hardware for the machine, what size disks you will need, how fast your processor has to be, how much bandwidth you need and so on. An additional license fees are required by Microsoft on all the products, thereby increasing the monthly expenditures of the dedicated online web host, which runs the Windows Operating System. When making these decisions plan for where you are today and where you plan to be in 18 to 24 months from now.
About the Author:
Ramji is a freelance writer for reseller hosting & reseller hosting india visit:
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